ObstetricsAndGynecology > Case1
Clinical history: 33 yo F presents to the ED with pelvic pain. Patient is 7 weeks pregnant by history. This image shows an empty endometrial…
Clinical history: 33 yo F presents to the ED with pelvic pain. Patient is 7 weeks pregnant by history. This image shows an empty endometrial…
Clinical history: 25 year old male with a recent history of a “groin pull” while walking up a hill and right sided pain that radiates…
Clinical history: 54 year old woman with right upper quadrant pain The diagnosis of this hyperechoic hepatic lesion is? Hepatocellular carcinoma Focal fatty infiltration Hepatic…
Clinical history: None available. Which of the following are known causes of gallbladder wall thickening? Acute Cholecystitis Heart Failure Acute Hepatitis Hypoproteinemia All of the…
Clinical history: 59 year old male with “clicking” of right 4th digit with extension Figure 1: Transverse view of right 3rd and 4th flexor tendons…
Clinical History None Available. Diagnosis: Adrenal Myelolipoma What is the most common presentation of these lesions? Asymptomatic Flank pain Endocrine disturbance Distant metastases Answer: These patients…
Clinical history: 67 year-old male with 12-year history of renal insufficiency, on hemodialysis for the past year. Denies a family history of renal disease. The…
2022 Case of the Day One Answer Case of the Day Two Answer Case of the Day Three Answer Case of…
Fellow Nomination Form To be considered for nomination for Fellowship Status in the Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound, please complete this form and upload your…