Thyroid_Parathyroid > Case1
Clinical history: 46 year old woman with documented primary hyperparathyroidism. She has complaints of joint pain and fatigue. A DEXA scan confirmed advanced osteoporosis. Ultrasound…
Clinical history: 46 year old woman with documented primary hyperparathyroidism. She has complaints of joint pain and fatigue. A DEXA scan confirmed advanced osteoporosis. Ultrasound…
Clinical history: 47 year old woman with menorrhagia. The diagnosis is: Myometrial contractions Adenomyosis Uterine leiomyomas Adenomatoid tumor Endometrial cancer Answer: Adenomyosis Risk factors include…
Clinical history: 66 year old female with history of right cerebellar AVM status post angiogram 2 days prior. She has subsequently developed right lower extremity…
Clinical history: 25 year old patient with a positive pregnancy test and last menstrual period 8 weeks prior. This sagittal transvaginal ultrasound image shows: An…
Clinical history: 23 year old female with lower abdominal pain. Diagnostic considerations include: diverticulitis pelvic inflammatory disease (pyosalpinx) ovarian torsion Crohns disease Treatment for this…
Clinical History None Available. Clinical history: None available What is the most likely diagnosis? Acute allergic interstitial nephritis Mesangioproliferative GN associated with HCV Heroin-induced nephropathy…
Clinical history: 37-year-old female with elevated androgen levels and hirsutism; LMP was thirteen days prior to time of exam. Up to what value is the…
Clinical history: 19 year old male lacrosse player with scrotal pain and swelling after being hit with a lacrosse ballWhat is the diagnosis? (choose all…
Clinical history: 33 yo F presents to the ED with pelvic pain. Patient is 7 weeks pregnant by history. This image shows an empty endometrial…
Clinical history: 54 year old woman with right upper quadrant pain The diagnosis of this hyperechoic hepatic lesion is? Hepatocellular carcinoma Focal fatty infiltration Hepatic…