Genitourinary > Case2
Clinical History None Available. Diagnosis: Adrenal Myelolipoma What is the most common presentation of these lesions? Asymptomatic Flank pain Endocrine disturbance Distant metastases Answer: These patients…
Clinical History None Available. Diagnosis: Adrenal Myelolipoma What is the most common presentation of these lesions? Asymptomatic Flank pain Endocrine disturbance Distant metastases Answer: These patients…
Clinical history: 59 year old male with “clicking” of right 4th digit with extension Figure 1: Transverse view of right 3rd and 4th flexor tendons…
Clinical history: None available. Which of the following are known causes of gallbladder wall thickening? Acute Cholecystitis Heart Failure Acute Hepatitis Hypoproteinemia All of the…
Clinical history: 54 year old woman with right upper quadrant pain The diagnosis of this hyperechoic hepatic lesion is? Hepatocellular carcinoma Focal fatty infiltration Hepatic…
Clinical history: 25 year old male with a recent history of a “groin pull” while walking up a hill and right sided pain that radiates…